Q: Is OOB Records a registered record label?
A: Yes. We are an international independent record label located in the Netherlands. OOB stands for ‘Out Of the Box’, and we proudly represent singer-songwriters and bands from a broad spectrum of genres. We are registered at the Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel) in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Registration number: KvK.64348369
Q: What is an Independent record label?
A: An independent record label (or indie label) is a record label that operates without funding of major record labels; they are a small to medium-sized enterprise. OOB Records is independently owned and operated by founder, Kathy J. Keller. We work in cooperation with associates in the Netherlands for distribution; and in Netherlands, USA and UK for production and promotion.
Q: Where is OOB Records located?
A: OOB Records is located in Rotterdam, Netherlands. We do not accept walk in appointments. If you would like to meet in person, or need to send a letter or package, please send email for address. info@oob-records.com
Q: How can I submit my demo to OOB Records?
A: PA: There is a correct way to submit your music for consideration at a label. Only send music that is ready to be heard. Your music should be recorded and mixed with high quality, and placed on a listening platform such as Soundcloud, Bandcamp or Youtube. The following information should be in your email:
- Biography: detailed history of your music, but also include the following helpful information:
- include a statement about your passion, ambition and music goals
- include a brief summary of what you are looking for from our label
- information about each of the band members
- information about the genre of music and instruments that can be expected on album
- include videos of your previous live performances
- and don’t forget to add links to your website, Youtube, Spotify, all social media accounts.
- If you are a semi-professional or professional musician you are welcome to send us a demo at: info@oob-records.com. If your music is Folk or Country genre, check out our sister label at www.friendlyfolkrecords.org
Q: What are your terms and conditions for B2B and B2C sales?
A: B2C (aka: Business to Customer) Your orders are fulfilled for OOB/FFR Records via our webshop at oob-records.com/shop. Customers order online at our webshop and we fulfill the order within 10-days of purchase. If the item is not yet released, and you purchase during ‘Pre-Order’ phase, the order will be fulfilled within 5-days of the Official Release Date. For music fans living outside Europe, we suggest ordering from one of our distribution partner nearest you for the best postage rates. Also, in the event we are out of stock at OOB headquarters, we will refer the order to one of our distribution partners nearest your location. See B2B section below.
B2B (aka: Business to Business) We have had a long-standing cooperation with distribution partners: Sonic Rendezvous (Benelux/France), Just For Kicks (Germany), and Garden Shed (Japan). We are also pleased to announce a new distribution partner, Laser’s Edge (USA). We can attest to the reputation of these agencies as providing fair, fast, honest, friendly service. B2B wholesale and retail prices set by our distribution partners may vary per territory and title. All B2B price quotes are valid only for the requested title and quantity of original order. Future order pricing may vary depending on territory and availability of product. Effective March 1, 2025 we refer all B2B orders to our distribution partner network.
Q: How long before I am discovered (and/or) rich and famous?
A: Yes, labels actually get this question in one form or another from Artists. The answer is quite simple, blunt and perhaps not what you want to hear. If you are expecting to be ‘discovered’ at a level of becoming an overnight sensation, your expectations far exceed what we are able to offer as an Indie label. Fame and fortune generally happen to only a handful of Artists per decade, and usually in the ‘mainstream’ music arena, and usually sponsored by a major label. The ‘mainstream’ music arena superstar focus changes from decade to decade based on fanbase trends. HipHop and Rap music were the leaders in digital sales (2021) followed by Pop and Rock in both digital and physical sales. This trend seems to be continuing in 2022, but a genre known as Vintage-retro pop/rock is on the rise.
Artists who are signed to a record label and have promotion representation do receive more attention, which does increase music sales, fanbase and visibility. Does your music fall into a trending genre? With a mix of paid promotion and increased media exposure, coupled with being at the right place at the right time, who knows. However, we recommend our Artists have realistic expectations and not too many stars in their eyes.
Q: How many gigs/shows will you book per Artist per year?
A: OOB Records is NOT a booking agency. We work with associates who are established in the Netherlands in a variety of music scenes. We promote our Artists to the festival and venue programmers via our website, ongoing social media support and work closely with our promotion associates. There is no guarantee that you will be offered a performance, but if you are, we retain a promotion booking fee of 15% of the gage. We encourage our Artists to register with booking agencies and to visit venues and festivals in their area. It takes work on the part of the Artist to get established in any music scene. We do provide promotional support of your tours when you send us a promotion tour poster to add to our news feed and social media. In addition, we have a comprehensive list of festivals and venues worldwide that we can provide to our signed Artists to facilitate your efforts of booking yourself in your region. This list is available via OOB Records Promotion packages.
Q: What are OOB LIVE events? (Netherlands)
A: We have created OOB LIVE events to add support for our Artist’s live show development. OOB Records will sponsor events that provide a stage for our OOB Artists, as well as an opportunity for OOB Records to sell merchandise on behalf of all OOB Records Artists. The months when these events occur will vary, as we will try to sync the events with touring Artists. OOB LIVE event locations: The Hague, Breda and Rotterdam.
Q: Why do some acts get more media attention than others?
A: That is a good question with a variety of answers. The most obvious answer is that we don’t create music news, we share it. Therefore, our news and social media updates are as busy as our Artists. It is not uncommon for an Artist to have one or two years pass without producing a new music release. Therefore, we need our Artists to be creative during these intervals: make videos, do give-aways, live stream home concerts, etc. As a label, our standard posts are announcements of: signing a new Artist to OOB Records; music pre-sales and new music releases; changes in Artist line-up; and event or advertisement group promotion for our Artists. All other news is based on Artist looping OOB in self-generated interval activities.
Q: Do you accept cover bands on your label?
A: Yes and no. If you are a cover band with no original material and no intention of releasing music on our label, then sorry to say we have no spot for your cover band. The reason is because we will not release albums with only cover songs. You are allowed to include select cover songs on your album, as long as the music is free from copyright/publishing rights. The purpose of a label is to spotlight and nurture new music, so the number of covers per album are limited. Discuss cover songs prior to submitting music for release.
Q: Why do I have to pay for promotion and production?
A: In the past, record labels took huge percentages of the Artist’s income from all music sales and performances. Sometimes keeping all profits until the label’s investment was paid in full. Often, it would take years before an Artist received a single cent of their royalties. New label models have been designed to work together with the Artist and to establish from the beginning how much money, if any, is invested by the label for a recoup deal contract. Naturally, established Artists are more likely to be offered a recoup deal than an unknown Artist. The majority of Artists signing with OOB Records will be offered a worldwide music distribution contract with ongoing media support. Paid promotion campaigns are recommended for new releases. Independent Artists and Independent Labels work hand-in-hand to promote music.
Q: Why are there different prices for the promotion packages:
A: The services and prices are based on how much investment will be needed to establish an Artist and/or promote new music release. Once your music is released on OOB Records, a portion of our label percentage from your music sales goes towards your promotion budget. Naturally, if you are a new, unknown artist, the label needs to invest a lot of time into your career, especially with your first album release. Usually, the first album does not generate much income. The Artist needs to pay for promotion upfront rather than relying on album sales to cover promotion costs. You will be advised on which promo package is best for your situation.
Q: Additional information requested?
Most general information can be found here on our website. Each and every Artist is unique. If your demo submission is accepted, we will meet in person or via video call to create the most effective contract and roll out plan for your music release. Please make sure to read FAQ section above, and information provided on Promotion and Distribution pages prior to sending your demo submission.